Sunday, May 3, 2009

Love is confusing... (Part 7)

The message of LOVE

What is love to me seems to be a little bit different from what people think of it nowadays, I really want to know, just out of 10 guys, how many believe in true love, need not mention everlasting love or lifetime companionship but just the belief of relationship.

I know love is complicating, in fact love is almost everything including the negatives like, jealousy, hatred, selfishness, conservativeness, over-protecting, misunderstanding and the list goes on endlessly.

With the technology today, long-distance relationship is no exception in prolonging love, be it thru MSN, Skype, Emails, 3G, Edge, Voice Mails and whatever that keeps us contacting to the ones we love. And I know sometimes, with all these advanced devices, we still could see laggy visuals, deformed images of our partner showing thru the tiny screen in our phones, really frustrating huh. But yet it doesn't fail us from constant communication and endurance.

Another thing about love I want to share here is - kiasu, as in Hokkien it means 'afraid of losing' or 'I don't want to be a loser'. How does this implied in relationships. If you look closer, it is not about jealousy, quite close though. It is the same idea of having the things that other / your friends' having, for instance, fashion trend, you just can't stand just because your friend's wearing the new collection of Jaspal or Thomas Pink; everyone changing their phone for i-Phone and so on. You couldn't bear the feeling or thought of not having a boyfriend, you hate losing, you expect your bf would do not only the same as your friend's bf but more than what he did, you are comparing your bf with other friend's bf. In the other hand you couldn't care less about yourself. And that's love!

I believe in love knows no boundaries, it will go as high as the sky and as deep as the sea, you could run away from it but you could never hide from it...and ironically "Isn't love just a game.."

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